Hot New Releases in Historical Romance

Laurel O'Donnell - The Bride and the Brute - Medieval Romance Novella

Wow.  Thanks for the enthusiastic response to The Bride and the Brute!

As of today, it has reached #11  in Amazon’s hot new releases in historical romance and #61 in the entire hot new releases in romance category.

Your support truly is appreciated.  Thank you!



The Bride and the Brute Amazon Hot New Releases in Historical Romance

The Bride and the Brute in Amazon Hot New Releases in Romance



2 Responses to “Hot New Releases in Historical Romance

  • Enjoyed reading your story, will look for more. Thank you. Denise

    • Glad you enjoyed The Bride and the Brute, Denise. I hope you’ll stop by again and let me know what you think of my other books.
