The Bride and the Brute Is Free

Laurel O'Donnell - The Bride and the Brute - Medieval Romance Novella

The Bride and the Brute is a medieval romance novella, so it is not a full length novel like The Angel and the Prince or A Knight of Honor, but we still think it’s an enjoyable story and a nice quick read. We hope you agree. There are some special offers on this novella we think you will like…

Read more about this romance ebook here:  The Bride and the Brute

22 Responses to “The Bride and the Brute Is Free

  • Loved the bride and the brute if this book is what the rest of your books are like I’ll have to get more to read I couldn’t put it down. Thankyou.

    • Thank you, Judith! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I hope you’ve picked up one of my other books. I’d love to hear what you think!

  • The book make for excellant read. It has enough romance and excitement to keep one interested.

  • i enjoyed the Bride and the Brute. It was exciting and kept me interested.
    The way in which you portrayed the characters brought them alive and believable.
    I wanted to read more and was sorry it ended.
    Thank you!

    • Hi Terry –
      I’m glad you liked The Bride and the Brute. It’s always good to hear from my readers. The Bride and the Brute was written as a short story, not a full fledged novel. It was originally put out under the Blushing Brides anthology. Please check out one of my other full length novels and let me know what you think!

  • I loved this story soooooo much. I liked how the characters were developed and I like the twist with the sister and the addition of the brother, but I feel like the story ended too abruptly. I was disappointed not to be able to see more of Reese and Jayce getting to know each other and falling in love. I got this novella on my Kindle, but was under the impression that it was a novel, which made me even more dissapointed when it ended 39% of the way through the book. Your writing is amazing and I really wish you would have made a full length novel out of this story, I feel like it could have been one. I also think it’s important for you to know that at least on Amazon it is not being shown as a novella, but as a novel.

    • Hi Ashley –
      Thanks for leaving a comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the Bride and the Brute enough to want it to be longer. This is Reese and Jayce’s complete story. Right now, I have no plans to make it into a full length novel. Thanks for letting me know what you think!

  • This book was great. Thank you so very much for sharing it with us! You are a lovely Wrighter.i will be looking at your other books

    • Alice –
      Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the Bride and The Brute! I hope you find my other novels just as entertaining.

  • have your considered writing stories for Reese’s brother and sister?

  • Hi Elizabeth –
    Thanks for reading The Bride and the Brute! I’m flattered that you would ask this question. At this time, I have no further plans to write Nicole or Morse’s stories. I put my characters through so much, I like to let them live their happily ever afters.

  • Hey Laurel!

    Thanks for your FREE! ebook!

    I read it, and it was GREAT! I love’d them both and it had a happy end! I didn’t expect the end, but it was a good end, good timing!

    All your other HR books do I have,..and read,….they are great too!

    Thanks again, and hope till next time!

    Danielle from the Netherlands,……….

    • Hi Danielle –
      I’m so glad you are enjoying my books. It’s for readers like you that I’m giving out the Bride and the Brute, free! My next novel, Angel’s Assassin, will be out in the beginning of July. Drop a line and let me know what you think of it!

  • just read ( the angel and the prince) it was excellent

    • Hi Walt –
      I’m glad you enjoyed The Angel and the Prince. It was the first book I wrote and one of my favorites, too! I liked that Ryen was a knight and that honor was just as important to her as it was to Bryce. Thanks leaving a comment!

  • Loved the story and was so sad at its sudden end. I wanted more. Thanks I’ll try another.

    • Thanks Sue! Glad you enjoyed the story. The Bride and the Brute was always meant to be a short story. Please, let me know what you think of the next one.

  • I loved the bride and the brute. Hope to read about the brother and sister next. Very interesting story.

    • Hi Nylena –
      Thanks for writing. I’m glad you enjoyed the Bride and the Brute. As of right now, I don’t have any plans to continue with Nicole or Morse’s stories. Sorry. Maybe in the future…

  • I have just finished reading this book I really enjoyed The bridge and the Brute I will be looking for more of your books to read.

    • Hi Jillian –
      I’m really glad you enjoyed the Bride and the Brute. Thanks so much for writing. I love to hear what you thought. Please let me know which novel you pick for your next adventure!
